There is an exception though if the project manager is the accountable one overall. To determine thebest project management software, we ranked several tools based on ease of use, cost to your organization, each company’s customer support, as well as special features. A common pitfall is for a project manager to define a raci diagram and set it in stone.

definition of RACI matrix

Finally, you get to an understanding of WHY the PMO is needed and WHAT problems it will solve. Use Lucidchart to create clear RACI models with ease and never fall behind on a project again. In this case, an alternative model, called RACIO may work well.

Variations of RASCI

RACI is an acronym for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed. Each represents the roles and levels of involvement of a stakeholder against the corresponding task/milestone. Your communication strategies, based on lessons learned from previous projects, are solid, and your project management process is battle-tested. With a RACI chart in a spreadsheet or a sheet of grid paper, you have a snapshot of everyone involved in the project, their roles, and the tasks they’re responsible for. Finally, check in with your team and any involved stakeholders to go over your RACI chart. Review all the roles and tasks and make sure everything is on the same page.

definition of RACI matrix

Each task would affect work in sales, marketing, finance and business development. Structural changes, timelines and major costs would require input and approval from senior management. Responsible designates the task as assigned directly to this person . The responsible person is the one who does the work to complete the task or create the deliverable. Every task should have at least one responsible person and could have several.

RACI (alternative scheme)

A RACI matrix shows the different roles and responsibilities stakeholders assume during the life of a project, program, or any form of organizational change. It’s also known as the RACI chart, RACI model, RACI metrics, responsibility assignment matrix , and project roles and responsibilities matrix. The RACI matrix is a project management tool used to define and clarify project roles and responsibilities. Some teams will benefit more from the RACI project management chart than others, though, since it’s an extra element in the process that can slow down progress and potentially create more confusion. These could be subject matter experts or leaders within the company, of which there is two-way communication. For example, if you’re looking to write a step-by-step instruction manual for your company’s products, theConsultedparty could be a product manager.

definition of RACI matrix

The good news for the program and portfolio managers is that, as Informed parties, they do not play an active part in the process. However, the project managers remain engaged and are consulted what is RACI matrix by the PMO during collation and the combining data phases. This is important to ensure the meaning is not lost and the result conveys the messaging that was initially intended.

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Determine the list of key activities and deliverables from the director of program management or other leadership. Accountable parties ensure accountability to project deadlines, and ultimately, accountability to project completion. This group frequently also falls under the informed category.

  • The matrix design of the RACI Matrix describes the participation of the various functional roles in the project or business process, in completing tasks or results.
  • RAPID stands for Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, Decide and is another decision-making framework used to define authority vs accountability.
  • Each cell will hold one of the RACI letters to allocate a responsibility to the Action/Role cell.
  • Review all the roles and tasks and make sure everything is on the same page.
  • RACI charts can help project teams understand when to engage lawyers to ensure correct guidance is followed.

The RAM is so useful to project managers because it helps everyone see their process and why it’s so important. Instead of working in a silo with no knowledge of fellow coworkers’ tasks, all employees can feel involved. The CARS model is different from the RACI chart in that it breaks everything down further, making it easier to differentiate and identify the nuance in various roles and responsibilities.

What is a DACI chart?

You can also tag coworkers with comments and update the project status. With streamlined approval systems, context-specific communication, and clearly outlined roles. This guide will act as a primer to the RACI diagram, covering everything from the basics of the system to how you can make your own. We’ll provide a template and examples to help you down the way. We’ve even included alternatives if the RACI diagram doesn’t suit your project needs. A RACI Matrix is not the same thing as a project plan, or even a Project Initiation Document .

And because everything happens online, you can stay on top of deadlines and keep up with project progress in real time. You might have an air-tight project plan and a stellar team to back it up. But if you’re not crystal clear about assignments—or even involvement—on a task level, confusion, crankiness, and even demotivation will creep into your project team. Some teams find the roles designated through the RACI model aren’t the right fit for their projects.

Using RACI with Other Project Management Methodologies

In the scenario of a Project, Project Managers need to inform the different stakeholders how responsibilities will be assigned, recorded and tracked. With this template, you have a slide where the presenter can explain the principles for each of the RACI terms, and which will be the specific criteria adopted. The user can edit each header to determine the roles of the project and the activities being discussed. The table is created as a PowerPoint table, allowing the user to easily add rows and columns. Each cell will hold one of the RACI letters to allocate a responsibility to the Action/Role cell.

definition of RACI matrix

The RACI chart has long been a popular tool amongst project managers around the world. Also referred to as the RACI matrix, it’s used to clarify employee roles and responsibilities for each task, milestone and decision that takes place throughout a project. Identify the project tasks — Meet with key stakeholders to develop a list of project tasks. For this discussion, “tasks” include activities such as meetings or events that must take place, as well as deliverables such as features or products.


RACI Chart can help remove ambiguities in the roles, responsibilities, accountability, and execution of projects. A properly designed RACI matrix can also be useful for SCRUM and Agile projects. This can cover the role of the one who facilitates and organizes activities. You might also need to balance flexibility and rigid roles to facilitate self-organizing teams in the matrix. There will be no teams or even individuals working in harmony. Those who are Consulted are there to help the Responsible person finish tasks with success.